Fact 3: Salzburg Regional Court ignores facts of several concurring damning court opinions

Fact 3: Court bypasses THREE incriminating court opinions

As reported under the fact dossier “Court manipulates expert opinions”, the Salzburg Regional Court brought about an incomplete, false exculpatory expert opinion of SV Rettenbacher by temporarily suppressing evidence.
A later possible supplementation and correction of the expert opinion of SV Rettenbacher was refused.

The court expert of the Regional Court for Criminal Matters Vienna, the court sworn expert Amtsrat Nicponsky, was the first to establish the present forgery of the will with a very high degree of probability (= 99% certainty).

Subsequently, in accompanying court proceedings before the Korneuburg Regional Court, the court expert Prof. Dr. Sobotka and the renowned sworn handwriting expert Dkfm. Dr. Werner Brandner also established massive forgery features in the will.

Altogether therefore three prominent handwriting experts of Austria clearly confirmed the falsification of the will and found the counter opinion of the SV Rettenbacher manipulated by the LG Salzburg after detailed examination expert-expert as factually completely untenable.

These forgery characteristics were documented in the course of this expert opinion by strong writing enlargements and forensic movement analyses of each individual stroke so clearly that no unbiased judge could have the slightest doubt about this forgery.
>> See picture show of the font enlargements with motion analyses.

Nevertheless, the Salzburg Regional Court ignores all factual arguments and bases its verdict solely on the exoneration report of SV Rettenbacher, which is proven to be incorrect and manipulated by suppression of evidence.

Previously, the Salzburg Regional Court had refused to compare and discuss those three written expert opinions of SV Nicponsky, Prof. Dr. Sobotka and Dkfm. Dr. Brandner.

Only in this way could it base its later judgment on this false and manipulated expert opinion of SV Rettenbacher.

In this procedure the intention of the judiciary becomes clear, not to allow an objective clarification of the present inheritance fraud at the expense of influential perpetrators and to approve the unlawful expropriation in favor of the friends of the friends in disregard of any facts.

Incriminating evidence is suppressed. Court experts who cannot be refuted factually are ignored in order to be able to make predetermined judgments – against all objective facts.

After this unjust verdict was issued, additional evidence disappeared from the court files at the Salzburg Regional Court, which could have led to a reopening and correction of this verdict.

The scandal consists in the fact that the Minister of Justice allows judges to ally themselves with perpetrators and that the rule of law thus becomes a life-threatening danger for every individual who is not intergrated in the “right” networks.

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