Send us your statement of facts – including all names, as well as the functions of all parties involved, and copies of all relevant files and documents.
It is crucial for a successful solution of your problems that you do not only send us the facts that you can already prove,
but also to explain to us in detail all your suspicions, fears and assumptions.
Who benefits from the fact that you have been wronged in this way?
Who could have caused your problems ?
As a non-profit aid organization for victims of justice, we naturally treat all your information as strictly confidential.
We primarily take action where there is a reasonable suspicion that
- Organs of the judiciary,
- organs of the Austrian Financial Procurator’s Office,
- liquidators,
- lawyers,
- experts,
- trustees,
- trustees of estates etc.
have colluded with injurers in order to cause injustice for their own enrichment or support existing injustice for the benefit of third parties and to the detriment of victims of justice instead of fighting it.
Please send all scanned documents and files by email to
Please send all documents and files that you have not scanned – as copies – in a package to our postal acceptance office:
C.F.Rügersiedlung 19, 2630 Pottschach, Austria