Obituary for Dr. Franz Schmidbauer, Judge of the Regional Court of Salzburg

Nachruf Richter Dr. Franz Schmidbauer Landesgericht Salzburg

Nachruf Richter Dr. Franz Schmidbauer Landesgericht Salzburg

Geboren am 6. 1. 1954 in Handenberg, O.Ö.
Hauptmann der Miliz
Gymnasium in Braunau am Inn
1972 Matura
1973/74 HAK-Abiturientenlehrgang in Salzburg
1974 bis 1978 Jusstudium in Salzburg, Dr. juris
1978 bis 1982 Richterausbildung in Salzburg und O.Ö.
1982 bis 1987 Richter am Bezirksgericht Salzburg
Seit 1987 Richter am Landesgericht Salzburg in einer Zivilabteilung

verstorben am 23.09.2022 im Alter von 69. Jahren



Dear Members of the Mourning Community,

We acknowledge the information regarding the passing of Judge Dr. Franz Schmidbauer at the age of 69 on September 23, 2022.

Regrettably, we cannot comply with your request to remove the allegations against Judge Dr. Schmidbauer from the website of the Austrian Victims of Judicial Misconduct Assistance.

Our factually accurate, detailed presentation of the harmful actions by Dr. Schmidbauer in his capacity as a judge has been published since October 2009, for 13 years, and was well known to Dr. Schmidbauer. These verifiable facts were published by us to compel Judge Dr. Schmidbauer to file a cease and desist lawsuit, during which the full truth of our analysis of Judge Dr. Schmidbauer’s actions could have been judicially established. Knowing that our factual analysis of his intentionally manipulative conduct was demonstrably correct and true, Dr. Schmidbauer has not dared for 13 years to provide us with the opportunity for an objective review and judicial determination of the corruption allegations against him.

Through his intentionally manipulative conduct of the proceedings, Dr. Schmidbauer unlawfully expropriated the hard-earned life’s work of an entire affluent family and transferred it in favor of a formerly well-connected, corrupt political family in Salzburg.

This 13-year refusal by Dr. Schmidbauer to allow a neutral judicial clarification of the allegations can therefore only be regarded as a full admission of his guilt.

For this reason, despite all due respect currently warranted, we cannot comply with your request to delete this entirely truthful factual overview of the actions of former Judge Dr. Franz Schmidbauer.

As a testament to Dr. Schmidbauer, we will therefore leave this true account permanently published on the internet, as a warning to other judges and experts who might be susceptible to corruption.

Every judge prone to corruption must understand that intentional wrongdoing through a judicial decision, which completely destroys the existence and life plans of the aggrieved party, can never lead to a peaceful end.

The consequences will continue to shape the memory of this guilty individual for decades after the wrongful judgment, even beyond the grave.

Hidden from the truth for 13 years, he chose to live in disgrace.

For this, he died at the age of 69 from a severe illness.

God’s judgment is harsh but just.

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