University of Vienna: accepted risk by failing to revoke academic degrees despite deception and theft of intellectual property in a plagiarized diploma dissertation

If one observes the reactions of the University of Vienna and the numerous comments on the cases of plagiarism recently discussed in Austria, one gets the impression that the cases of theft of intellectual property and plagiarized “scientific” work to obtain academic degrees – that have become known – are treated as trivial offenses; that are not to be taken seriously.
Pointing out such plagiarism is misunderstood by many and not taken positively. In Austria plagiarism researchers rather are seen as negatively motivated denouncers of an acceptable status quo of the Austrian expert community.
This opinion is wrong for the following reasons and demonstrably highly dangerous for every individual in Austrias society.
Austria is a small country. There are only a few really good and decisive positions to be filled in every single field of business, administration and justice.
People know each other.
In these tight conditions, it is important for everyone that, if possible, only those people make important decisions who have acquired their “expert” knowledge out of actual interest and personal suitability for their field.
As soon as, on the other hand, responsible tasks are taken over by people who have studied for an academic title only because of social pretensions – and possibly in order to have better chances on the marriage market – their incompetence often endangers the existence of the victims.
These unqualified decision-makers – without their own ideas and personal closeness to their field of expertise – not only cause incalculable damage, but also block the professional advancement of all qualified high performers, who have really studied their subject – and are able to actually apply it, enriched it with their own ideas.
People who occupy responsible positions after unambitious study periods and with swindled academic degrees know internally about their own inadequacy and never allow real experts in their field to rise in their environment.
This self-protection in the community of the incompetent is most natural.
It is the only way to prevent the coming out of their own shortcomings to the public when they can be directly compared with true experts in their field.
The true Austria-friend and connoisseur Thomas Bernhard has analyzed these Austria-typical symptoms and accurately denounced them as a society of “incompetence fanatics”.
This swamp of incompetence fanatics is still sticking many highly talented, genuine scientists and academics with their career prospects and appointments to the few decisive and well-paid positions in little Austria.
The prosecution of plagiarism cases is just as important as fighting corruption.
Universities must not only impart specialized knowledge, but must also defend values.
What is really dangerous for society are not the politically prominent cases of plagiarism, but those cases in which “experts” are active at system-critical expert level – especially as court-certified and sworn experts – who have swindled their way into highly paid professional qualifications and certifications through plagiarism.
Poor study & professional morals favor the strongly increased willingness to to practice corruption in Austria.
This development is especially threatening in all – non-scientific and technical – disciplines, which leave the „experts“ a large personal scope for interpretation, such as
- Experts in psychology
- Writing experts for the determination of forgeries
- Experts for the valuation of real estate
In the above mentioned fields of expertise – above all – there is always the acute danger that these unqualified experts, unhesitatingly destroy families and human lives of victims seeking protection and help, only to maintain their own swindled source of income.
Above all in these specialized ranges again and again the acute dangers threatens that these unqualified experts destroy families and human lives of protection and assistance-looking for concerning for the preservation of their own source of income unhesitatingly.
The judicial administration repeatedly shows no interest in refusing to certify experts who are proven to be professionally unqualified as court-appointed experts or in rescinding fraudulently obtained certifications of court-appointed experts.
Logically compelling, this only reinforces the urgent suspicion that the judiciary keeps ready court-sworn and certified experts who, in anticipatory obedience, have to run every judicially desired expert report, since their lack of professional qualification and personal integrity is known within the judiciary and is deliberately used as a lever for the instructed political or class-compliant bending of the law.
Logically compelling, this only strengthens the urgent suspicion that the Austrian judiciary is deliberately keeping unsuitable sworn and certified experts at its disposal.
In anticipatory obedience these “experts” must deliver every judicially desired expert opinion.
This is because their intimitating lack of professional qualification and personal integrity is a hidden knowledge within the judiciary – and is deliberately used as leverage for the instructed political or class-compliant bending of the law.
This method of leadership is otherwise only known from mafia organizations.
Tolerance of plagiarism is promotion of corruption

CURRENT WORST CASE – the court sworn and certified psychological court expert MAGISTER TANJA GUSERL, born in Linz in 1972
certified and registered in the list of experts of the Regional Court for Civil Matters Vienna in the specialist groups:
04 Psychology
04.30 General psychology
Specializationadversarial interrogations
Certified until 10.09.2025
04.31 Clinical psychology
Certified until 10.09.202504.35 Family psychology, child psychology, adolescent psychology (incl. custody, visitation, out-of-home placement, child welfare, abuse, development)
Certified until 10.09.2025
The renowned plagiarism researcher Doz. Dr. Stefan Weber and his team have prepared a comprehensive plagiarism report on the diploma thesis “Aggressiveness of children and its connection with the occupation of mothers” by Mag. Tanja Guserl from 1997.
133 plagiarism fragments were identified on the first 64 pages of the thesis.
This is the highest occurrence of plagiarism that has been detected in 15 years of reviewing.
An aggravating factor is that in numerous cases the sources were not only cited ‘on site’ of the copied material, but also not in the bibliography, or at best other sources were cited ‘on site’ and in the bibliography.
The massive plagiarism resulted in the adoption of headings and subheadings and numerous source references from the plagiarized literature.
Literal citations under quotation marks in the thesis indicate that the author must have been aware of the basic citation rules.
In contrast, the author has massively violated the citation rules in numerous other places.In summary:
The theoretical part of the thesis consists to far predominant parts of plagiarism.
Text parts were copied from other sources, whereby mostly no references were made.Particularly serious are the often page-long, not infrequently word-for-word copies of long text sections …
Due to the won realizations it can be stated that it concerns with the examined thesis a serious plagiarism case,
which probably has unavoidable consequences in terms of study law, since the thesis would have had to be graded as “not sufficient” in any case.“
Doz. Dr. Weber has informed the University of Vienna, the responsible
- Mr. Studienpräses Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Peter Lieberzeit
- Mr. A.o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Trimmel and
- the Dean Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Barbara Schober
and therefore submitted his expert opinion with the following statement at the beginning of January 2022:
Dear Mr. Studienpräses Lieberzeit,
Dear colleague Trimmel,
Dear Dean Schober!Please find enclosed an expert opinion on the occurrence of plagiarism in the diploma thesis “Aggressiveness of children and its connection with the occupation of mothers” by Tanja Guserl, which was accepted in 1997.
I classify the plagiarism in the theoretical part of the thesis as serious and relevant to study law.
Since comprehensive reports of this kind have been accumulating again in recent times (not only at the University of Vienna), I now see this report as a “test case”.
I therefore ask for an appropriate reaction (revocation or non-revocation of the master’s degree) by 01.03.2022.
I am aware of the fact that I will only become aware of the decision of the University of Vienna indirectly.
One more personal word to colleague Trimmel: I appreciate his textbooks, from which I quote again and again, and we have just cooperated profitably in the context of a project on the topic of citation.
I can therefore only express my hope that he, too, cannot come to any other conclusion than that he was considerably deceived by Mrs. Guserl.
Why the exemplary decision in the plagiarism case Guserl is important and overdue !

On the basis of her own faked scientific qualification in her plagiarized diploma thesis, Tanja Guserl – as a supposedly qualified psychological court expert – regularly takes on court expert assignments for the assessment of child abuse and adversarial interrogations of child victims of sexual offenses and subsequently “assesses” far-reaching custody violations.
In several cases – that have already become known – Tanja Guserl, without any interest in the current state of science has recklessly submitted professionally deficient and existence-destroying false court opinions and made good financial profits from doing so.
Obviously without any interest in the suffering of the child victims and the truth, Tanja Guserl has acquired the reputation of denying the child victims and the protecting mothers their credibility as witnesses in court.
It seems that Tanja Guserl accepts for her own business advantage, that child victims of violent sexual abuse do not receive any help and that the perpetrators – mostly from her own family – are encouraged to commit further acts of abuse, since the perpetrators know in practice, that the public prosecutors and courts will not listen to the testimonies of the minor victims anymore.
The perpetrators know in practice that the prosecutors and courts do not have to pay any attention to the statements of the child-victims and that the false expert opinions of Tanja Guserl have left their victims defenceless and deprived of their rights for all time to come.